The BlocBox Wallet

The BlocBox Wallet is a new feature for our motivated customers. Are you planing to come more often? Then you should check it out! 

We are happy to hear that you are keen for more BlocBox Sessions! The Wallet can be used for the payment of Single Tickets. By using the Wallet, it is possible to have a 2-hour session for €8,33 per person! 

The Wallet allows quicker bookings by allowing you to pay straight from your account. There is no need to go through the payment gateway of your bank for every booking! 

You are motivated and we want to support that! How? Well, we will give you a bonus for every Wallet topup! The bonus is as follows:
For a €100,- Wallet topup we will add €15,-
For a €200,- Wallet topup we will add €40,-
This means a great discount on all your future Single Tickets! 

We will add the bonus manually. To do so, we might need a few days. Thank you in advance for your patience! 😉

In the following link you can download a document for a detailed description of how to use the Wallet.