our gym

the Blocbox

In the city center of Innsbruck we have a high ceiling, 65 square meter space that houses our cozy gym. This gym is not your usual climbing gym. It is a climbing space where you can book a private session for you and your friends! 

This place is for everyone from beginners to professionals from kids to seniors What makes us so flexible is the special climbing wall. In the gym we have the latest-state of the art, Grasshopper Grand Master adjustable climbing wall. It is the first in Europe and the third wall in the world! Ready to make some first assents? More about the wall further down.

For the motivated climbers we have a campus board and hang boards for training. To make the BlocBox feel like your own living room we have some cozy couches! To boost the motivation you will have access to a sound system so you can be your own DJ! 

Of course, it does not stop at private sessions for you and your friends! What about team building events, courses, Birthday parties, early morning or late night sessions and way more!

Any questions or suggestions? Let us know and contact us. We are open for special ideas to make your private experience even better!

How to use our Gym

1. Book a time slot online

2. Receive a QR code by mail

3. Invite your Friends

4. Open the door with the QR-code

5. Have fun!

About the Wall

To make sure that everyone can have fun in the BlocBox it is important to pick the perfect wall. After trying a lot of different system boards, we got convinced by climbing on the Grasshopper board. They are available in different sizes and only since September 2022 they were able to provide us with their biggest board the Grand Master 12×12! The big advantage of this board compered to the other boards is the big diversity of holds. For experienced climbers it is possible to warm up on this wall. Even beginners can make there first steps into climbing on this wall! What makes the wall so flexible in styles of climbing and difficulty is the adjustable angle!

Do you want to know more? Checkout their website: www.grasshopperclimbing.com